Here are the answers. If you have any questions, you can write them down in a comment.
1. 1 faced 2 daunting 3 babbling 4 pick up 5 relied on 6 distinguished from 7 lacking in 8 benefited from 9 succeeded in 10 intelligible
2. 1 ... seems to HAVE abandoned its research... 2 ... is said TO be recovering... 3 It IS believed...
4 ... appears to HAVE finally retired ... 5 it seems AS if summer is really coming.
3. 1 By the time she finishes her degree, she will have been at the university ten years. 2 He was delighted when they told him he had got the job. 3 I feel healthier niw that I have taken up kickboxing. 4 Where were you? I've been waiting here for an hour. 5 It was a shock when i saw him. I would have expected to see a big man, but he was tiny. 6 When she got to work, she found out she had been fired. 7 Hi John! We've just been talking about you! 8 It's 9:00. Mandy will have landed at Heathrow Airport by now. 9 correct 10. We'll have used up all the world's oil long before 2100.
4. 1 Yes, I know it like the back of my hand. 2 I don't know offhand, but not many. 3 I know next to nothing about it. 4 Never, as far as I'm concerned. 5 I've never heard of him. 6 I can't tell you off the top of my head.
angels, eagles and flamingos - stress
We've done a bit of work on the different stress in nouns and verbs with the same spelling. Here are some more examples. Usually (although there are some exceptions), the stress of a verb is on the last syllable, and that of a noun is on the first syllable. Make sure you pronounce the words out loud.
to susPECT: to believe that someone is guilty
SUSpect: a person under suspicion
to preSENT: to give, to introduce
a PREsent: a gift
to contract, a contract
to convert, a convert
to convict, a convict
to insult, an insult
to project, a project
to protest, a protest
to rebel, a rebel
Can you make up a few sentences that include some of these words?
angels, eagles & flamingos - Mini check - Module 1
Here are the answers to the mini-check. I'm sure you got most of the answers right. Please, post a comment if you have any doubts or if you want to tell the world you've done really well.
1 is looking after 2 do you think 3 is 4 're having 5 Was it raining 6 was reading 7 had 8 used to play 9 lived 10 had started 11 saw 12 over 13 in 14 At 15 on 16 get back 17 during 18 these days 19 to 20 will you?
1 is looking after 2 do you think 3 is 4 're having 5 Was it raining 6 was reading 7 had 8 used to play 9 lived 10 had started 11 saw 12 over 13 in 14 At 15 on 16 get back 17 during 18 these days 19 to 20 will you?
Alligators - big adventures
Click here and listen to some people talking about challenges they'd like to face. If you want to, you can also read the transcript. Which of these challenges appeals to you?
You may be pursuing a dream yourself. Why don't you post a comment describing it?
You may be pursuing a dream yourself. Why don't you post a comment describing it?
angels, flamingos & eagles - childhood memories
We've been having a look at the past and here is Lois remembering her childhood. Listen to her, do the exercise and check the transcript (you'll find a few spelling mistakes, though).
I'd also like you to write an anecdote you remember from when you were little. Don't be embarrassed, I've already written mine!
I'd also like you to write an anecdote you remember from when you were little. Don't be embarrassed, I've already written mine!
All - Class Survey
Dear students,
I'd like to share with you the conclusions I've drawn from your surveys, so here is a summary of your opinions and experiences:
A personal affection for the language and getting a better job are your main motivation to learn English
The teacher, lessons and peers influence your interest in learning a language. In fact, getting to know your classmates is one of your priorities.
You don’t think you can spare more than an hour a day to work outside the classroom
A good student of English should be hard working, constant and enthusiastic.
A good English course should be attractive, dynamic, varied, interactive and complete.
Some of you are reluctant to change places but most of you wouldn’t mind doing so now and again, depending on the activity.
It is not necessary to know about English-speaking cultures in order to speak English. (I can't agree with you on that, sorry)
After this course you expect to have improved your listening comprehension and oral expression
You seem to find listening to songs, watching films/series (Friends especially) and playing games enjoyable activities
You find group work and pair work particularly useful.
It's your turn to tell me and your partners if these ideas reflect yours or not.
I'd like to share with you the conclusions I've drawn from your surveys, so here is a summary of your opinions and experiences:
A personal affection for the language and getting a better job are your main motivation to learn English
The teacher, lessons and peers influence your interest in learning a language. In fact, getting to know your classmates is one of your priorities.
You don’t think you can spare more than an hour a day to work outside the classroom
A good student of English should be hard working, constant and enthusiastic.
A good English course should be attractive, dynamic, varied, interactive and complete.
Some of you are reluctant to change places but most of you wouldn’t mind doing so now and again, depending on the activity.
It is not necessary to know about English-speaking cultures in order to speak English. (I can't agree with you on that, sorry)
After this course you expect to have improved your listening comprehension and oral expression
You seem to find listening to songs, watching films/series (Friends especially) and playing games enjoyable activities
You find group work and pair work particularly useful.
It's your turn to tell me and your partners if these ideas reflect yours or not.
my family and other animals

Dear eagles. flamingos, angels and alligators,
This is just a quick reminder:
- Make sure you know which textbook we're using this year. Remember that we won't be using the workbook in class.
- Read again the information for students at this school carefully.
- Check the instructions on how to do written assignments.
- Remember that continuous assessment plays a role in your final mark.
- The book you're required to read is the collection of short stories From the cradle to the grave (Oxford Bookworms collection) Oxford University Press ISBN 0194226921
Just to break the ice, why don't you write a comment explaining your own learning objectives for this year?
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