Dear eagles. flamingos, angels and alligators,
This is just a quick reminder:
- Make sure you know which textbook we're using this year. Remember that we won't be using the workbook in class.
- Read again the information for students at this school carefully.
- Check the instructions on how to do written assignments.
- Remember that continuous assessment plays a role in your final mark.
- The book you're required to read is the collection of short stories From the cradle to the grave (Oxford Bookworms collection) Oxford University Press ISBN 0194226921
Just to break the ice, why don't you write a comment explaining your own learning objectives for this year?
Hi Ana:
I'm an angel and I want to say
that I think this year will be
very productive to improve our
English. In my case I'm worried
about my oral expression and my
pronunciation but I hope this
course I'll get my goals ad it'll
mark the difference (Spanglish?).
I'd love to be able to speak
English fluently and I'd like to
see a movie without subtitles.
Will I achive my objectives?
Everybody tells me that one day
I'll wake up and I'll understand
everything. I don't believe them.
Hello Ana,
I'm not very sure about my objetives this year. I know that I want to improve my oral expresion but I'm very shy and It's difficult to me to talk with all my clasmates looking to me.
I also want to improve my listenig.
I see you tomorrow.
María Ángeles.
Thanks for your comments,
Cristina, I think the right expression would be 'make all the difference'. As for waking up one day and understanding everything,I don't think it's that sudden.
You don't need to leave a double space, that's for when you hand in a piece of writing in class.The right way to finish is 'Regards'
María Ángeles, check the spelling of some words. The right way to finish is See you tomorrow! (no subject needed)
Hi Ana,
I m Geneviève, an alligator,I enjoyed the few classes we had (though during the last one it was two much work in small group to me)and my objective this year is to improve my oral expression, learning more idiomatics and oral structures, getting more self-confident and fluent at speaking.I would like to pratice roleplays and discussions in class.
See you on monday.
Bye bye
Hi everybody! I hope you had a very nice weekend!
I'm a voracious alligator.
I would like to learn expressions to use in common conversations, idioms, phrasal verbs, and more and more vocabulary. I find very difficult to keep in mind the new words I check in the dictionary. Is there any recomended way to work with it or just studyind and studying?
See you tomorrow.
Dear alligators,
We'll get plenty of oral practice this year and I'm sure you'll learn new words and structures.
As for the best way to store new words in your mind, apart from revising them from time to time I'd suggest using them in context as often as you can: in the texts that you write, in the discussions in class ... whenever you get the chance.
Hi Ana,
We are Leticia and Ana (angels).
This year we would like to get more fluency in English speaking and to improve our grammar and vocabulary.
We would like to do some little tests of reading & grammar exercices from time to time to evaluate ourselves.
See you later,
Hi Ana,
I´m another alligator and as the rest of my mates I´ve enjoyed the classes we´ve had because we´re learning vocabulary in a different way from the conventional method.
I expect to improve my speaking and listening too by playing roles and doing different kinds of exercises.
See u this afternoon,
Mª Jesús
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