I just wanted to share a piece of fantastic news with all of you:
Fortunately, I've passed my competitive exam and I've got a permanent job from now on at the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (vamos, que he sacado la plaza).
Thanks to all of you because you've helped me become the teacher I am now.
Congratulations Ana!
I feel very happy for you, after spending a full school year being you student I knew you deserved.
I recognise that I have passed the Advanced I level thanks overall to your motivation.
Now enjoy your permanent job.
Hi Ana, congratulations, hopefully we'll see in San Blas next year, anyway good luck if you go to other school.
You will tell us where you teach next year.
A hug and It´s time to enjoy the summer for you
Congratulatitios!!! I'm very happy for you, some day I hope pass my own competive exam, jejeje, good luck if you change the school.
Yuhuu, you've got it.
Mi sincere congratulations! Yo have rally taken a load off your mind!
All the best.
Hello Ana,
It´s a great new. The EOI has won a good teacher.
Hi Anna
Im Rosa from Barajas EOI(we saw each other a few days ago in the street, do you remember?. Sorry for my confusion I was sure I knew you, but for a few minutes I had mistaken you for someone else.
This year I'm repeating NI2 but I'm optimistic and hope to pass this year.
Some times I've visited your blog, and just now I've seen you have got your permanent job, ¡vamos que has aprobado las oposiciones!. So congratulation (I speaking from the heart)
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