
Avanzado 2 - Alison Lapper

Here's a short video where Alison Lapper talks about herself and her art.

Feel free to write a comment about it.


aliciamartinez said...

Well I think it is memorable what she has achieved in her life, mainly her strength... and despite of leading a hard life it is grateful to lisen to her speaking so clearly about her disability, instead of being drepessed about it.
In short, she is an example to be followed because through her actions she is teaching us many lessons.
Congratulations Alison!

Anonymous said...

Charo said ...
I agree with Alicia's opinion.I also think she is very brave to talk us showing her disability without being ashamed of it.Just as she is.
She has worked hard to be where she is now and she still has strength for new personal challenges,such as her maternity or her Paris journey.Something she
had always wanted.
A good example!