
NB1 & NB2 - September exams and enrollment

Dear students,

Those of you who have already passed, click here to know when you can enroll for next year.

Those of you who have to take the exam in September, click here to know the dates for the written and oral parts. Here are some tips to help you prepare for it (thanks, Cris).

Have a great summer!



Dear NB2s,

Important information:

As you know, your exam results will be issued on 10th June.

I told you that you could come for revisión from 18h to 20h. but I have to be part of the examiners board of Nivel Intermedio at that time.

These are the times when you can come, instead:

preferably, 10th June from 16h to 18h

exceptionally, 13th June from 17h to 19h

Please, let all your partners know about this change.
