
All - Christmas party

Dear students,

As I've already told you, on Thursday 20th we will have a Christmas party at the school. We are holding a writing competition. Here are the instructions and the document you have to send to my e-mail address.

We are also preparing a short pantomime so if you're interested in taking part let me know by next Monday. Here's the script.

Have a good weekend!


Avanzado 1 - Proverbs related to time

Here are the proverbs we saw in class:

The early bird catches the worm Somebody who takes the earliest opportunity to do something will gain an advantage over others

A stitch in time saves nine If you act quickly when something goes wrong, it will save time later, because the problem will get worse if you leave it.

A watched pot never boils When you’re impatient for something to happen it seems to take longer

We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it We’ll deal with the problem when and if it arises, rather than worry about it beforehand

Strike while the iron is hot Make use of an opportunity immediately as soon as it occurs
Here are some others. Can you provide a definition?

It's no use crying over spilt milk.
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched.
Make hay while the sun shines.
When the cat's away the mice will play.

Intermedio 1 - comments and responses

Here's the exercise we did in class with some of your responses to the comments given.


Christmas pantomime

If you're interested in going to a play in English, The Madrid Players put on a Christmas pantomime every year.


All - evictions in Spain

and the transcript is on the right-hand side of this page.


Avanzado 1 - News about Spain

Here's an interesting listening from npr.org on the economy of the Basque country. You can listen to it first and then read the transcript. Feel free to write a comment with your opinion about it.


Avanzado 1 - vocabulary answer key

Here are the answers to the vocabulary section on pages 14, 15 and 19 of your Student's Book:

Language terminology:
1 an idiom     2 collocation    3 register    4 a phrasal verb    5 slang    6 colloquial   7 a synonym    8 a metaphor

Language quiz:

1 Idioms
1 refuse to change your mind about something even when other people are trying to convince you that you are wrong
2 say exactly what you think in a very direct way
3 were determined to continue despite the difficult circumstances
4 don't agree with each other
5 is the dominant partner

2 Phrasal verbs
1 catch up    2 put off    3 take after    4 bring up    5 grow up

3 Synonyms and register
1 E (one is more formal)
2 D (consequently)
3 F (owing to)
4 B (benefits)
5 H (omit)
6 C (however)
7 A (adhere to)
8 G (require)

4 Collocation
1 completely   2  hurt   3 close   4 distant   5 security

Revise & check:

a 1 teeth   2 mind    3 run    4 trousers   5 guns   6 terms
b 1 career   2 part-time   3 alike   4 half-sisters   5 take after   6 synonym
c 1 off  2 off, up   3 up   4 off  5 in   6 with, on
d 1 challenging   2 competitive   3 unsuccessful    4 rebellious    5 enjoyable   6 repetitive