
All - Reportaje sobre el Centenario de las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas en Informe Semanal

Hi everyone,

Some of you may have seen it already, but in case you haven't, here is the link for you to watch the report.

Happy Easter!

Avanzado 2 - Writing an essay

Have a look at the 'comments' section if you want to have the answers to the exercises on pp. 136 and 137.


Avanzado 2 - Review Unit 7

Here are the answers:

1 1 A popular television actor convicted of dangerous driving

2 John Hope, known to television viewers as 'Pricey'

3 leaving a trail of destruction

4 Hope, said to be depressed

5 causing extensive damage to the property

6 suffering from multiple fractures

7 when arrested by police

8 shouting

9 (When) Passing sentence

10 Having heard the evidence

11 Speaking to journalists after the trial, Hope's Lawyer announced

2 1 orderly 2 rowdy 3 disruptive, lenient 4 best, foul, serious

3 1C 2 D 3C 4B 5 A

4 The following words can be omitted:

A Would you B I A Is there B I've got, It A Have you B I'm A It B I A Is there B Have you A Are B I was

5 1, 8, 10, 4, 7, 2, 9, 3, 5, 11, 6


Avanzado 2 - Cloze test

You can find a challenging exercise here related to the topic we're dealing with in class. Once you've filled in the blanks, check your answers and then click OK on the message 'Your incorrect answers have been left unchanged' so that you see your score and try to correct your mistakes. If you need some help ask for a letter of the word. The answers are in the comments section below.