
Básico 1 - Object Pronouns

If you want to do some online exercises on object pronouns, click on this page. When you finish, click on next page - dialogue exercises and do those too.

Avanzado 2 - Reading pp. 40-41

Here are the answers to the comprehension questions:

1 b Our fascination with awards ceremonies

2 1 superficial aspects
2 overemotional
3 have a tendency to cry
4 annoyance
5 the broad appeal of such events
6 took things very seriously
7 become the focus of attention


Avanzado 2 - The King's Speech

I can't help posting the trailer of the film everyone's talking about: Don't you think it fits exactly with what we've been working on in class? Write a review in the comments if you've already been to see it.


Básico 1 - Exercises with CAN

If you want further practice with the verb CAN, try these exercises.

Avanzado 2 - The homeless man with a golden voice


I guess you've heard this story but if you want to watch it in English, click here .

How hopeful are you about Ted Williams's future?