
Avanzado 2 - Summer Reading List

A student asked me for a list of readings for the summer. Click here for some ideas.

Have a wonderful summer and a well-deserved rest!


Básico 1 - Results

Dear students,

Thank you very much for your comments in the teacher assessment's questionnaire. It's been a pleasure to be your teacher.

Congratulations to those of you who have passed the exam! If you have to retake some parts in September, check the date, time and room on the noticeboards.

Enjoy your summer and keep practising your English!


Avanzado 2 - cloze tests

Here is a very good page ( by Cristina Díaz Vaillagou at EOI Santander) where you can find loads of cloze tests.



Avanzado 2 - Vocabulary answer key - Units 4-6

Here are the answers to the exercises of units 4, 5 and 6. There was a mistake in the answers to unit 1, check them out in the comments of the post below.


Avanzado 2 - Vocabulary answer key - Units 1-3

Here are the answers to the vocabulary exercises of units 1, 2 and 3.

To be continued...