
Avanzado 2 - Writing an essay

Have a look at the 'comments' section if you want to have the answers to the exercises on pp. 136 and 137.

1 comment:

Ana Franco Cottle said...

1 Public money should be used to fund the arts because art is an important human activity.

Paragraph 1
Introductory statement: Value of the arts in civilized society.
Supporting statement: Enriches people's lives
Controversial question: Should the arts be publicly funded?
Paragraph 2
Main opinion: The government should subsidize the arts
Arguments: a) Artists could survive without subsidies; b) The arts contribute to our cultural heritage; c) The arts play a social role; d) The arts are important for their own sake.

Paragraph 3
Counter-argument: Money would be better spent on the poor, healthcare, education and social welfare schemes.
Refuting counter-argument: a) a healthy society is one that values arts; b) The arts should be accessible to everyone.
Paragraph 4
Conclusion: a spectrum of activities should be funded
Supporting statement: Enjoyment of the arts is part of being human.

3 Paragraph 1
Few people would contest...
However, it is also true...
The question is...

Paragraph 2
It is my view that...
First of all, ...
However, the main argument for...

Paragraph 3
There are those who argue that...
However, I believe that...

Paragraph 4
In conclusion,...
This is not purely... but because...

Language focus
1 claimed 2 widely 3 say 4 agreed 5 view 6 personally 7 would 8 whether 9 evidence 10 case 11 doubt 12 dispute

2 Possible answers:
1 There are those who argue that anyone can learn to play a musical instrument. However, many of those who have been forced to take music lessons as children would argue that this is not the case.

2 Of course, not everyone has an innate talent for art. But surely everyone can take pleasure in drawing and painting?

3 It is true that pop music has a wider popular appeal than classical music. But it could also be argued that most pop music does not have lasting value.

4 Opponents of modern art argue that it has no aesthetic value. But surely beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

5 Advocates of free speech claim that censorship stifles debate. However, it is also the case that complete freedom of speech could result in slander and libel.