
all - article on the crisis

You may find this article interesting. It's from the British newspaper The Guardian and it talks about the impact of the crisis in Spain using the example of Zaragoza - which seemed to be so prosperous thanks to the Expo just a few months ago. Any comments or questions are welcome, as usual.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Ana! Did you do/make the whole Take That activity by yourself? Reaaaaally original, honestly! Next thing I'm going to do is read the article from The Guardian. Just from a quick look around (contents index), if I can put this way, I find the site very interesting. That's a good use of technology!


Anonymous said...

It's funny how our figures are seen abroad! Supposedly, we've been growing for years, and now kind of all of a sudden, we are going downhill at the same pace, even more quickly! I don't think it was so good before, I mean, the situation of the whole economic system, was it? Weren't other countries in a better situation than ours even if their figures might look less powerful so to say? Just an opinion anyway.