
angels, eagles & flamingos - Mini check - Module 9

Here are the answers:

1 up 2 with 3 something 4 scratched 5 fit 6 You don't have 7 He can't be 8 Can I 9 You mustn't/can't 10 You shouldn't 11 could 12 need 13 must 14 could 15 should 16 have 17 disappearance 18 suspicious 19 mysterious 20 explanation


Laura said...

it's possible in 12: have and in 20:explain. Explanation is a noun.

Ana Franco Cottle said...

Hi Laura,

You're right. 'Have' is also possible and there is a misprint in the book (at least in my copy): noun:explain and verb: blank. Of course, it should be noun:explanation and verb:explain.