
Avanzado 1 Review and Practice Unit 2

Here are the answers - pay attention to the expressions in bold in the email:
1. 1 'm going to watch 2 'll have 3 's going to 4 'll go and get 5 'm meeting 6 'll be 7 're going to have 8 'm playing
2. Hi Antonio,
I can hardly believe it- but by next Driday afternoon, I'll have finished all my exams! Until then, I'm completely up to my eyes in revision. I'll be revising for my exams the whole of this weekend and then every spare minute I get next week. I really can't wait to get them all out of the way.
I'm really excited though, because I've booked a holiday for immediately after. In fact, this time next week, I'll be waiting for my flight to Crete. I'm going with Daniel - we've both been there before and loved it. After this holiday, we'll have been there four times! Anyway, that's why I'm writing really. I just wanted to know if you'll have left your job by then. If you have, why don't you come with us? I know it's short notice, but it would be great if you could come.
Let me know as soon as you can. Either email me or phone anytime. I won't be going to bed early tonight because I've got so much to do. Really hope you can come.
3. 1 detail 2 retirement 3 initiative 4 quality 5 surgeon 6 voluntary 7 redundant deadlines
4. 1 complains about 2 worried about 3 succeed in 4 depends on 5 prepared for 6 modest about

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