
Avanzado 1 - Boomerang children

Listen to a mother and a son talking about living together after he's finished university (from The Listening Project BBC Radio 4).

He's not a conventional young man, is he? In what ways? Write a comment.


conchita said...

I am not sure if I have understood the whole conversation.

Both mother and son miss each other. Nevertheless, Tam's mother wants to fix some important question for the relationship: trying to do things, driving, how to have friends at home and the drinks, in even the box line (is this the phone?)

Anonymous said...

He isnt a conventional young man because he doesnt like to go out he prefers being home, he doesnt drink. He is always with his computer.


Susana said...

Well, I think he is not a conventional young man at all.
She is trying to find out together why he doesn't like going out.
She tries to let him know how happy she feels because he's back from univerity, she has missed him a lot but he has to go out with young people instead of being at home and having friends through facebook.
She thinks he's missing lot of things because he is not going out.
He said he has got friends but he doesn't feel confidence.
I think she is trying him to tell her why he thinks he doesn't go out to find a solution together.

Consuelo said...

Nowadays I think there are young people like this one. I think he is not conventional and most of youn people prefer to go out with friends instead of being at home living in her mother kitchen and spending all day in internet because it easy than to face other people, he feels safe at home.

Jorge said...

I think that maybe he used to be a not conventional young man, but right now he is a conventional one. More and more people prefer virtual social life than a real one. It is easy for them because you don’t have to see people.