
Avanzado 1- Meryl Streep

Meryl Streep talks about her role in The Iron Lady here. If you're in the Tuesday-Thursday group, answer the questions on your worksheet. You'll be able to check if you're right - clicking on 'comments' - in a couple of days.

1 comment:

Ana Franco Cottle said...

Exercise 1
1) F – Lloyd worked with Streep in Mamma Mia!
2) T
3) T
4) F – She says she knew little about her policies before making the film.
5) T
6) F – She felt an affinity with Thatcher because, like her, she was the only woman working with a large number of men, and because she felt she was somewhere where she didn’t belong.
7) T

Exercise 2
1) He means that this is another role in which Streep shows her ability to imitate an accent. 2) It was about a woman leader and there aren’t many women leaders in the world. Neither are there many film-makers interested in making films about them.
3) She admired her for her courage in taking on so much responsibility.
4) No, she knew very little about them. She knew more about Reagan’s.
5) It aims to show how leaders are affected by the responsibilities they have to take on and how much strength of character they need to face up to them Because she was an American playing the role of a British woman, among British actors.
6) She realised that Margaret Thatcher had found herself in a similarly isolated situation, among elitist, male, Conservative members of Parliament, when she first became the leader of her party.
7) She was surprised