
Avanzado 2 - Starting at a new school

Here's another listening on first days.

You are going to listen to part of a radio interview about starting at a new school. Before doing the exercise, read the sentences and try to predict the type of information required in each gap. Then listen twice and complete the sentences. The answers are in the comments section of this post.

1. Jackie Haylett used to be _____________________.
2. She says the move to secondary school marks the beginning of the end of __________________.
3. At secondary school, children have as many as _________________ teachers.
4. It is important for parents to ___________ and ______________ their child at the end of each day.
5. However, parents should try not to _________________________.
6. Parents can help reduce a child's anxiety by establishing a ________________.
7. Two checklists should be written if parents are ______________ or _______________________.
8. Parents should encourage their children to _______________ as posible.

1 comment:

Ana Franco Cottle said...

1. a teacher
2. childhood
3. a dozen
4. talk; listen to
5. ask lots of questions
6. (regular) routine
7. separated; divorced
8. make as many friends