
Avanzado 2 - Reading page 31

Here are the answers to exercises 2 and 3:

2. 1 T
2 F 'It is that record she is here this morning to defend'
3 T
4 F No such claim is made: we only learn of one theory which attempts to explain why the very thin Sonya can eat so much in such a short time.
5 F 'The so-called sport of eating contests - while dating back decades to events held at county fairs ..'.
6 F 'She eats with one hand, using the other to take sips from a bottle' and 'food and wáter and a combination of the two drip down faces ...'
7 T
8 F 'She is thrilled'. She says she slowed down and that she could eat more but there is no suggestion of discontentment with her performance.

3 1 confides   2 grabs   3 wolfing down   4 masticating   5 dunk   6 licks   7 pondered   8 choked

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